As an Edge Compute customer, you should become familiar with how the service is billed to ensure a predictable invoice each month. This article explains the different components that can make up the Edge Compute part of your StackPath bill.
We bill our Edge Compute products based on usage. You will only see the invoice items mentioned below if you used them during each billing period.
Note that, throughout this document, you will see the unit of GiB for various charges. 1 GiB is defined as 2^30 bytes (1,074,741,824 bytes). This unit of measure is also known as a gibibyte.
Billing for VMs and Containers
Both our Virtual Machines and our Containers are offered in varying geometries. Each geometry has its own given number of CPU cores, RAM, and root disk size.
On our Virtual Machine and Container price sheets, you will notice that each geometry has an effective price per hour used. This price is an aggregate of the costs incurred for each metric that makes up the geometry; this is what will be reflected in your invoice.
For example, let’s say you ran three SP-2 Containers for 100 hours. You would be charged the following:
- SP-2 price per hour $0.098
- 2 vCPU Cores
- 4 GiB Memory
- 10 GiB Root Disk
- For 100 hours used is $9.80
- For 3 VMs is approximately $29.40
However, on your invoice, those charges would be reflected as follows:
- Container CPU at 600 CPU Core hours at a rate of $0.039421 per hour ($23.65)
- Container Memory at 1200 GB hours at a rate of $0.0043286 per hour ($5.19)
- Container Root Disk Storage at 3000 GB hours at a rate of $0.000145833 per hour ($0.44)
Adding the above charges, you would still be charged approximately $29.40 with some rounding. This billing method is applied identically to our Virtual Machines as well.
The pricing provided in the above example is sample pricing only. Please refer to the StackPath website for correct pricing.
Traffic Charges
In addition to the costs for running your instances, you will also incur various traffic charges based on usage. All traffic charges are the same for both VMs and Containers and are all billed per GiB.
Internal Traffic
Internal traffic is defined as traffic egressing from one StackPath Edge Location to another StackPath Edge Location via Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This traffic is charged per GiB and will appear on your invoice in the following format where the regions will change based on traffic path:
VPC Traffic - North America to Australia
This traffic is charged at different rates depending on the origin and destination locations.
Egress to Public Internet
Traffic that is egressing from a StackPath Edge Location to the public internet follows a regional and tiered pricing structure. Your price per GiB is defined by the origin-destination and volume of traffic originating from that region over the month. As your volume of egress traffic increases in a given region, your per GiB rate will decrease as follows:
North America
First 10TiB $0.050/GiB
Next 40TiB $0.048/GiB
Next 100TiB $0.039/GiB
Greater than 150TiB $0.028/GiB
Let's say you've egressed 22TiB (22,528 GiB) of traffic over one billing cycle. You would be billed in the following manner:
First 10TiB (10,240 GiB) at $0.050/GiB = $512.00
Next 12TiB (12,288 GiB) at $0.048/GiB = $589.82
Total = $1,101.82
The pricing provided in the above example is sample pricing only. Please refer to the StackPath website for correct pricing.
Ingress Traffic
Ingress traffic or traffic coming from the public internet into a StackPath instance, is not charged. You will not see a line item on your invoice for ingress traffic.
IP Charges
Static IP addresses are included on a per-instance basis, and you will not see a charge for this on your invoice.
Should you choose the optional Anycast IP Address option or request multiple static IP addresses, you will be charged per IP per hour.
Storage Charges
If you choose to use the optional persistent storage feature, which allows you to expand overall storage space for newly created workloads, you will be charged an hourly rate for GB of storage used. While you may see this broken out regionally on your invoice, it is charged at the same rate regardless of region.
If you create your own image to run on our Virtual Machines, you will be charged for the storage needed to house that image.
Our list prices for storage show GB/mo., but on the invoice, this is charged per hour.